30 May

The domain name is the " current " name of a website. This makes it easy for users to remember the address of a site and access it with ease.Internet address , domain name, IP address ... go through these terms to see more clearly and understand how it works.

Technical definition

The domain name is in a way the visible part of a website.

Each computer connected to the Internet has an IP address consisting of a sequence of numbers to identify it.

For convenience and ease of use, it was decided to match each IP address with a different name: the domain name.

The correspondence between the domain name and the IP address is provided by the DNS (Domain Name System).

In this way, when we enter in his Internet browser the address of a site (type: Google), the DNS will look at which IP address matches the name, find its location in the network and to report the information.

The domain name is used for all Internet related services:website hosting , messaging , etc.

The structure of a domain name

A domain name is composed of:

  • a name (consisting of a set of alphanumeric characters), and
  • a suffix (.com, .fr, .eu, .org ...).

Its structure is hierarchical and allows the definition of subdomain (s).

The name is most often the name of a brand , a company , an association , a person .It can consist of a sequence of characters (from A to Z and from 0 to 9) and a dash.

The choice of the name of the domain is generally free ... to the extent that it does not exist already! Check this Namesilo review and coupon codes to get more infomation!

This is the famous rule of "First come, first served".

The suffix , also commonly referred to as the extension of the domain name, corresponds to the domain classification.

We thus distinguish several "categories" of domains, according to their geographical origin (.fr, .es, .it, .us ...) or their activity (.com for commercial, .asso for association, .org for organizations to non-profit title ...).

Towards a legal definition?

If the domain name can protect your brand or your identity, it does not mean that you just need to register a domain name with the name of a famous or competing trademark to give you rights to it.

The domain name does not replace or equate to an industrial property right per se, but its registration and exploitation confer rights on the holder.

French law on intellectual property does not provide specific rules on the issue of domain names, their legal status is built as and case law .

Therefore, to avoid potential conflicts with third parties, business intelligence specialists advise trademark owners to file domain names that match the names of their brands or their companies.

This is to avoid the misuse of the identity of a trademark, a company or any other legal (or physical) person.

However, the legislation in this area has hardened in recent years and it is common for the court to blame the " cybersquatteur " for the benefit of the owner of the trademark registered with the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) .


The domain name is what makes it easy to identify a website . It consists of a name and its domain extension , depending on its activity.

The domain name is essential to the identity of any brand, company, legal or natural person wishing to position itself on the Internet.Namesilo review and coupon codes

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